English speaking
Counsellor, Therapist,
Life Coach working
in Prague



Christmas is traditionally seen as a family happy time, when people are exceptionally nice to one another and are expected to make the effort to spend some time together.

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Emotional disconnection

In search for some emotional rest, we (unconsciously) emotionally disconnect from reality. Feelings of regret, failure, grief, disappointment etc., are signs of not being prepared for the loss of our old lives. As we resent those negative feelings, we emotionally disconnect from what we feel, which works as a protection from emotional distress.

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There is a strange, almost sad feeling, hanging in the air and announcing that the summer is over. It gets chilly, the days are shorter, and our energy levels start to drop. The yearly battle called “Is it too soon to turn the heating on?” begins.

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If we believe that our lives are shaped by outside forces, we will find it difficult to change anything in them. We and only we are responsible for our own un/happiness.

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Attachments are complicated structures of emotions which are invisible to us. Attachments are formed over a period of time; therefore, to overcome them takes time as well

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Dependency vs independency

Dependence on others makes us weak. Life requires mastering of a high level of independency, including finding ways to “survive” emotionally.

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“Fulfilment is satisfaction or happiness as a result of fully developing one's abilities or character, it is the achievement of something desired, promised, or predicted”.

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Even the smallest loss can lead to a big reaction. Love and grief go hand in hand. Losing something or someone is emotionally challenging for everyone and we are often unprepared for such a loss.

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We all make choices. Every day, we make many choices, which then influence our existence. Our lives did not just happen to us; we created them.

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In search of meaning

As we live our lives, we try to rationalize the world around us, which is, for most of us, quite irrational. To have a purpose or to believe in something greater than ourselves, gives us hope and promises a brighter future. Without meaning, our life might feel incomplete.

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